
Bump Update - 24 Weeks

How far along?  
24 Weeks

Total weight gain/measurements: 
I think I need to start doing all my measurements in the morning. The part of my belly I measured today said I lost half an inch! I'm trying to think if maybe I ate before measuring last time? I haven't eaten yet today.... Hmm.. I'll have to start paying attention to that. Weight gain, no clue. Obviously not a lot if I've gained any at all. 

Maternity clothes:  
Still not in any, still haven't bought any....but really wanting some long sleeved shirts from Pink Blush Maternity! They have the cutest things on that site!

Stretch marks: 

2 nights in a row, I've woken up feeling rested... that was nice! The next 2 nights in a row consisted of me being up from 1-2am to 5-6am.... thats been a little less nice. Any tips would be appreciated! 

Best moment this week: 
Chopping down the Christmas tree!!!!! Ive only seen it up in the sky, and laying on the ground... So I'm pretty excited for Bo to make a stand for it so we can finally set it up in the living room! It looks great so far though.. I'm so excited.

Miss anything? 
Every time I see someone drinking white wine, I just want it sooooo bad!!! So I'm gunna say, I miss white wine. It's only when I see people drinking it though. I was watching Big Bang last night, and the 3 girls were drinking it and I was really jealous.

Always.. he's getting so strong! I posted a video 2 days ago of him kicking away. 
Click here if you missed it!
Yesterday he was being kinda super quiet. Which is weird for him. So while I was laying down before bed, I was poking my belly, and he moved so much it scared me! I jumped and lifted my hand off my belly! So I figured I should just leave the little boy alone and go to sleep, he was fine & if he's like me, he was mad he got woken up for nothing.. hahaha!

Food cravings: 
Sweets.. candy, chocolate, juice, apples anything with sugar. Candy cane dark hot chocolates are also a 'need' in my life. Sooooo goooood. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Smoothies still :( Which sucks, because I want one so bad in the mornings. I think I'm going to do green smoothies and see if maybe that makes a difference. I was going frozen berries with banana, yogurt and milk.... Maybe I'll do berries, avocado, spinach... Mmmm.


Labour signs:  

Feeling heavy in the belly area. We were walking around stores yesterday, and by the time we got to the third store, I had to sit down for a few minutes. 
Crampy legs are also pretty prominent this week. It's so nice that they come while I'm sleeping and I get to wake up in pain/a panic. 
My nails grow insanely quick!

Belly button in or out? 

Happy or moody most of the time: 
It's a mix.. I'm all over the place... but to be fair, its not all just pregnancy related though! I also don't think it's fair that when pregnant women have emotional days, it's considered "pregnancy hormones" or whatever phrase you wanna say. I remember having emotional days when I wasn't growing a human.

Looking forward to: 
Getting the tree set up so that I can finally see it in all its glory. I'm pretty excited to have a real tree. This is my first real Christmas tree. Last year was my first ever Christmas tree. So it's all still pretty exciting.

I was also kind of excited about this.... 6 months pregnant and I'm still able to wear my normal jeans, & comfortably too I'll add. They fit a little better now actually.... but that also means that I'm gaining weight in my hips and legs. haha! But that's ok.
Also, check out my stalker friend. She's literally never too far away from me. She's so cute. 


Baby Kicks Melt My Heart!

Here's a video of our little baby boy kicking away. I was finally able to get more then one kick on video! He's so camera shy... Must get that from his dad, because we know his momma sure loves the camera! Don't mind the Greys Anatomy in the background haha I forgot to mute the audio and didn't feel like going through the process of fixing it.

I just love feeling this guy move. He is most active at night time and early in the morning... Which causes this mom to stay awake and feel the movement instead of going to sleep! It quite impresses me that I can see so much movement, and not just feel it. I'm quite excited but very nervous about this, because he's only going to get bigger and stronger and I think he's already so strong! I took about 6 videos, but I'm not crafty enough to mash them together to make one video... So I just chose the one that had the most action haha!


Fall Photos!!

 Hahahaha I love this photo

 She loves when I rub in-between her eyes.

 This is the tree were going to cut down for our baby boys first Christmas [X-mas 2016]

This basically sums up our relationship. I love my doggy friend. 


23 Week Maternity Photos!

Not the fanciest quality or editing... but come on... I used my laptop camera & iPhone! haha!
I'm workin' with what I got which, I think is not too shabby!


Bump Update - 23 Weeks

How far along?  
23 Weeks! 

Total weight gain/measurements: 
Still no scale, so I don't know weight gain until my next appointment. 
My belly however, has gained an inch since last week.. putting me at a total of 43 inches.
 My waist is still the same as it was pre pregnancy... this baby is low!

Maternity clothes:  
Nope! Although I really think I may need a new winter coat. The one I have from last year, might not last me all winter. I have some room for now.. but at the rate this belly is growing... I'm a little doubtful this will fit come February.
Stretch marks: 
Nope! I thought I was getting some, but it turned out to be more veins!

...... non existant. At first it was having to get up 5 times to pee... Now it's that, on top of being super uncomfortable. I've decided I need a king sized bed with 17 pillows...and a fan. 

Best moment this week: 
Getting a package from my mom with my Christmas tree decorations in it! Oh and my blog getting over 1000 views!

Miss anything? 
Not really

He's such a mover. He moves all the time. He especially likes it when his daddy has his hand on my belly. He moves like a mad man!

Food cravings: 
I'm starting to crave "healthier" things now... and not just sugar... which is nice, although I still crave apples. I had a craving for Greek salad.. which I finally made... and it was delicious. Then I just wanted salad after that. So I made a big Chicken Caesar salad for dinner. Gah, so good. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Smoothies and bananas! It's so annoying because I was getting excited about drinking smoothies everyday for breakfast again. Turns out, the baby hates it. Not only do I get nauseas, but I get heartburn too! I drank a full smoothie the other morning, and it promptly came back up again. Then I made Bo a big breakfast consisting of homemade potatoes/has browns/pan fries, whatever you may call them, sausages, eggs and toast, and of course I ate again because I was hungry again! Well, didn't this baby just absolutely love it? Haha! He's like "smoothies? yah right mom".


Labour signs:  
Nope! Haven't had any Braxton Hicks the last few days either.. that I've noticed anyway. 

My hands! They're red, hot and tingly. I can't even make a fist! My face is clearing up though :D
Oh and.. Id like to thank my bladder and everything else that was working against me yesterday... I bet it was all those "just wait" comments coming true. [I had the story typed out here, but then decided to delete it... possibly too much tmi? lol even though i think it's still funny] This IS a pregnancy update. It's not all luscious hair, great nails and glowing faces. Sometimes these kinds of things happen & come on.. its kind of hilarious. haha!

Belly button in or out? 

Happy or moody most of the time: 
This week I wanna say was happy!

Looking forward to: 
Honestly... hearing Christmas music & seeing decorations put up! 
Its the most wonderful time of the year! Can't wait to have a baby for the holidays next year!


Some Changes All Around

I decided to change up the look of my blog page. I liked the previous black look... but I quickly got sick of it and wanted something brighter. I'm still learning how to work with the different features, but I'm getting the hang of it I think! 

I feel like I might be annoying on Facebook with all the uploads about my baby. Literally every post is about my baby or my belly haha! Which is fine by me and I'm sure is fine by a couple others too.. but sine a few more people know about this blog, I figured I should start posting my extra photos here. I quite enjoy the new body that I'm working with these days & of course I'm overly proud of my baby and how he's growing and progressing. What can I say? I like to document it! For a first time mom, I feel this is kind of expected, no? Plus hey, I'm a big fan of belly photos.. Mine or another woman's! I just think it is so amazing how a woman's body works. 
That is just insane to me.. and super cool! Like, yah... I grew a frikkin placenta. I just think that is so neat.... Clearly.... 

And I actually put make up on today for once. So I also felt the need to document that with a shameless selfie. I wasn't feeling very good this morning.. I don't think Baby 'H' likes smoothies for breakfast. I always feel nauseas now after I drink a smoothie. Bananas also seem to give me heartburn now! Which is new... I never had heartburn in my life, until I got pregnant of course. There are so many things that change while you're pregnant. I've come to just accept it all as it comes. I was starting to get annoyed because it felt like, as soon as I got used to one thing, something new would happen... but hey... thats just how its going to go for awhile! Theres nothing wrong with change... Right? Well, I could probably do without all this extra hair on my belly and arms. Literally feeling quite gorilla-like. Again, whatchya gunna do? Just accept it. Haha!

I also have the best mom in the world. She sent me a box of my Christmas decorations! Although it's not all of them, I am thrilled to have all the tree ornaments! I had my very first Christmas tree last year & this year will be my very first REAL tree. We have a backyard/bush/a few acres of land with some pine trees! So were going to go chop one down! I'm so excited! 
Last years tree. This years will look similar, as I have the same balls/snowflakes and tree topper. Maybe I'll get different lights! Oh and of course, this is a fake tree... Ours will be the real deal. 
Another photo of last years tree with all the gifts under it.
No drinks for this girl this year!
 It makes me a little bit sad inside that I'm not going to be able to have the traditional Christmas morning Coffee & Baileys followed by the traditional Christmas morning - after coffee - Mimosas! Every year we do this while we open gifts and make breakfast. It's the best! I'll have to get some fancy non-alcoholic substitutes this year :)


Bump Update - 22 Weeks

How far along?  
22 weeks + 2 days

Total weight gain/measurements: 
I've gained a total of 17 lbs since pre pregnancy so far! I was just talking to my friend who is just a few weeks behind me, and she said "we've lost weight before, we'll do it again!" Good thing she said this, I needed that little boost of reassurance! Having lost 50 lbs and then getting pregnant, only to gain 17 back [so far!] was a bit much to take in, because I know I'm just going to keep gaining... and I obviously want to! I'm not devastated about it or anything, and I know I need to gain weight, and yadda yadda..but I'm just saying.. haha. 
Oh and my belly didnt get any bigger since last week? Still sitting at 42 inches total... but its changing shape I think.

Maternity clothes:  
Nope.. but I did just lose one jacket due to the growing belly. It's okay though, its getting too chilly for that coat anyway! My mom sent me my winter jacket from last year.. I'm really hoping that lasts me through the winter. 

Stretch marks: 
No but holy crap is my belly ever itchy!!! I just keep rubbing my Aveeno lotion with oatmeal on it every day to deter me from scratching it. 

I dont want to talk about it... I thought I had seen the light... but I was mistaken. 
I didn't realize until right now, that my socks are different. 
Best moment this week: 
Our prenatal on Wednesday was fun. Well.. I mean, "fun". Shows how much we get out haha! I love our nurse practitioner and her assistant. They're so sweet and it feels so personal when you go there since it's such a small office. When I walked in, the assistant saw me [for the second time in our lives] and said "Hi Kristen!" It was just nice to be recognized. I haven't felt that way since I lived back home in Red Lake.
There was a moment on Friday as well, where a stranger made a comment about my pregnancy! That hasn't happened before, and I honestly don't think it will much... but it was nice to hear! Bo and I were laughing because I was getting excited for the treats I just ordered and she said "Well, you're eating for two! The baby is probably just kicking you, asking for the treats!" hahah it was cute. I enjoyed it. 

Miss anything? 
Not really

I love it! Although sometimes he kicks my bladder, and I don't love THAT so much. I literally almost peed myself the other day from that little bugger lol! He's so strong already. It's the best. At the prenatal, it took a long time to get a good heart beat count [again] because he was moving all over the place, kicking the doppler! haha! He's so cute. 

Food cravings: 
Pigs in a blanket. I can't explain why...but I need them... with ketchup and mustard. Also, dark candy cane hot chocolates from Tim Hortons. GAH the BEST!

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Nope! I'm definitely at that stage where food is my friend. I need to eat every couple hours!


Labour signs:  
I dont think its considered "labour signs"... but I think I may had had some Braxton Hicks a few days in a row? My lower abdomen would get really tight and would hurt... now I'm not sure if it was BH or if it was the baby pushing his body into my belly. My gut told me that it was BH though.

Peeing all the time. My face is still breaking out. Headaches. 

Belly button in or out? 

Happy or moody most of the time: 
The beginning of the week was happy.... the end.. not so happy. It was a VERY stressful couple days. I was extremely sick last night & almost went to the ER! Thank god it passed and I feel much better today. It always makes me feel so bad when I get sick. I feel like my muscles are squeezing the baby & it makes me so sad! :(

Looking forward to: 
Meeting the OB who will deliver "Baby H". She has a lot of good reviews online! Her and my nurse practitioner do "shared care" so I get to alternate appointments between the NP and OB. 
Here's a quick video of the baby giving my belly a punch. At the last ultrasound, his head and arms were on the left side, and his legs were on the right.
Watch the left side of my belly button. He's always moving like crazy, but as soon as I try to record it... He stops! Camera shy I guess.
Oh and I'm a gorilla now, thanks to this baby boy.
The quality is pretty crappy... but you get the idea ;)

Click here for video :)


Bump Update - 21 Weeks

How far along?  
21 weeks

Total weight gain/measurements: 
I just measured my waist, and it's still the same as it was pre-pregnancy. This baby is low! My belly on the other hand, is up to 42 inches. A half an inch from last week. I still don't know how much weight I've gained though. My prenatal appointment was rescheduled for Wednesday. So I'll get an updated weight then. Maybe I should buy a scale.

Maternity clothes:  
No.... but the 2 pairs of leggings i had before getting the new Asos ones, no longer fit over my belly... so I'm down to 2 pairs again... new leggings are in order. 

Stretch marks: 
Nope.. I've been using Aveeno 24 hour lotion with oatmeal. I swear by that stuff. Ive been using it for years.

I had my first full nights sleep on Wednesday night! It was amazing. I woke up so refreshed! This week has been a lot better for sleep. I've only been getting up once to go pee, which is nice!
Best moment this week: 
Finding out the gender. That was such a surreal moment. I instantly cried when she told us what it was! That was the first time Ive cried at any kind of appointment during this pregnancy. It was so exciting and emotional. The 20 week ultrasound was by far my favourite. I could see the baby move, and feel it at the same time. Everything is going great! Heart, brain, kidneys, stomach, bones, everything looks good! My placenta is up high and my fluids are good! It was a great appointment :D

Miss anything? 
Alcohol. I've been dying for a glass of white wine!

He is such a mover. He is so active! He likes to roll from his side to his belly a lot. When he does that, I can feel his head pushing into my lower abdomen.. ohhhh that's uncomfortable. Usually if I put my hand there, he'll move out of the way. Good baby. I also am now aware of where his feet and hands are... He kicks me all the time, but he's not shy to throw a few punches either! He's so strong already!

Food cravings: 
Sweets. I just want sugar of all sorts... Juice, grapes, apples, candy, chocolate.. I want it all. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? 

Labour signs:  

My face has broken out on my chin and around my jaw line. That's so annoying... but I rarely see people, so thats alright haha. Still getting a headache at least once a day.

Belly button in or out? 

Happy or moody most of the time: 
It's been a mix I think. 

Looking forward to: 
Shopping for the baby! Now that we know he is for sure a he, it'll be easier to buy things. Can't wait to get his nursery set up.


A Couple Photos

***Hi there!! Thanks for stopping by! This particular post has received more views thanks to Pinterest! I just wanted to let you know that if you click here you can view many other maternity photos! Thanks again for coming by my blog!***
It's come to a point where my belly is round when I'm sitting.. I thought it was so cute.. but I'm a little biased ;) I love my forever new body. Its always changing.. Well I guess I should say that my belly is always changing. My boobs had a growth spurt during the first trimester. Other then that, nothing else has really changed! My body is basically normal except for the basketball where my belly is! haha!
I love this photo and quote. I saw the quote on Pinterest before I was even pregnant, and knew I wanted to use it one day. Today was the day! I felt very relaxed all morning, as I finally got a full nights rest, so I thought I would take a couple pictures with my lap top. I didn't get all dolled up, hence having no face in the photos ;) Plus I think they look better with just my body in them anyway.
I think this will make a good cover photo on Facebook one day! I just changed it to my "its a boy" nails. I really like that photo. I think my nails turned out so cute. It takes a lot to do them these days because I need to lean over and get nice and close.... which causes breathing issues haha! 
Look at how much my baby has grown in 9 weeks! His body to head ratio is getting closer to normal. I also am still loving the fact that I know it's a "he" for sure now! I can't believe I'm 5 months along. It's going by so quickly. I know I keep saying that, but its so true. This is why I have no shame in posting every second day about my baby or pregnancy. I know theres gotta be some people on my Facebook who are tired of it... and those people can just "hide" or "delete" me, because I am way too proud of my baby and what my body is doing to GROW A HUMAN! That's so cool.
