Here's a video of our little baby boy kicking away. I was finally able to get more then one kick on video! He's so camera shy... Must get that from his dad, because we know his momma sure loves the camera! Don't mind the Greys Anatomy in the background haha I forgot to mute the audio and didn't feel like going through the process of fixing it.
I just love feeling this guy move. He is most active at night time and early in the morning... Which causes this mom to stay awake and feel the movement instead of going to sleep! It quite impresses me that I can see so much movement, and not just feel it. I'm quite excited but very nervous about this, because he's only going to get bigger and stronger and I think he's already so strong! I took about 6 videos, but I'm not crafty enough to mash them together to make one video... So I just chose the one that had the most action haha!