
Bump Update - 22 Weeks

How far along?  
22 weeks + 2 days

Total weight gain/measurements: 
I've gained a total of 17 lbs since pre pregnancy so far! I was just talking to my friend who is just a few weeks behind me, and she said "we've lost weight before, we'll do it again!" Good thing she said this, I needed that little boost of reassurance! Having lost 50 lbs and then getting pregnant, only to gain 17 back [so far!] was a bit much to take in, because I know I'm just going to keep gaining... and I obviously want to! I'm not devastated about it or anything, and I know I need to gain weight, and yadda yadda..but I'm just saying.. haha. 
Oh and my belly didnt get any bigger since last week? Still sitting at 42 inches total... but its changing shape I think.

Maternity clothes:  
Nope.. but I did just lose one jacket due to the growing belly. It's okay though, its getting too chilly for that coat anyway! My mom sent me my winter jacket from last year.. I'm really hoping that lasts me through the winter. 

Stretch marks: 
No but holy crap is my belly ever itchy!!! I just keep rubbing my Aveeno lotion with oatmeal on it every day to deter me from scratching it. 

I dont want to talk about it... I thought I had seen the light... but I was mistaken. 
I didn't realize until right now, that my socks are different. 
Best moment this week: 
Our prenatal on Wednesday was fun. Well.. I mean, "fun". Shows how much we get out haha! I love our nurse practitioner and her assistant. They're so sweet and it feels so personal when you go there since it's such a small office. When I walked in, the assistant saw me [for the second time in our lives] and said "Hi Kristen!" It was just nice to be recognized. I haven't felt that way since I lived back home in Red Lake.
There was a moment on Friday as well, where a stranger made a comment about my pregnancy! That hasn't happened before, and I honestly don't think it will much... but it was nice to hear! Bo and I were laughing because I was getting excited for the treats I just ordered and she said "Well, you're eating for two! The baby is probably just kicking you, asking for the treats!" hahah it was cute. I enjoyed it. 

Miss anything? 
Not really

I love it! Although sometimes he kicks my bladder, and I don't love THAT so much. I literally almost peed myself the other day from that little bugger lol! He's so strong already. It's the best. At the prenatal, it took a long time to get a good heart beat count [again] because he was moving all over the place, kicking the doppler! haha! He's so cute. 

Food cravings: 
Pigs in a blanket. I can't explain why...but I need them... with ketchup and mustard. Also, dark candy cane hot chocolates from Tim Hortons. GAH the BEST!

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Nope! I'm definitely at that stage where food is my friend. I need to eat every couple hours!


Labour signs:  
I dont think its considered "labour signs"... but I think I may had had some Braxton Hicks a few days in a row? My lower abdomen would get really tight and would hurt... now I'm not sure if it was BH or if it was the baby pushing his body into my belly. My gut told me that it was BH though.

Peeing all the time. My face is still breaking out. Headaches. 

Belly button in or out? 

Happy or moody most of the time: 
The beginning of the week was happy.... the end.. not so happy. It was a VERY stressful couple days. I was extremely sick last night & almost went to the ER! Thank god it passed and I feel much better today. It always makes me feel so bad when I get sick. I feel like my muscles are squeezing the baby & it makes me so sad! :(

Looking forward to: 
Meeting the OB who will deliver "Baby H". She has a lot of good reviews online! Her and my nurse practitioner do "shared care" so I get to alternate appointments between the NP and OB. 
Here's a quick video of the baby giving my belly a punch. At the last ultrasound, his head and arms were on the left side, and his legs were on the right.
Watch the left side of my belly button. He's always moving like crazy, but as soon as I try to record it... He stops! Camera shy I guess.
Oh and I'm a gorilla now, thanks to this baby boy.
The quality is pretty crappy... but you get the idea ;)

Click here for video :)