
Bump Update - 37 Weeks

How far along?  
37 Weeks!!! Officially full term!

Total weight gain/measurements: 
Up 5 lbs in 2 weeks..Bringing me to a grand total of 50 lbs so far! Officially back at my heaviest weight, anything passed this will be the heaviest I've been in my LIFE! haha!
& measuring 46 inches around my belly, but I did eat beforehand, so it might actually be a little bit of a food baby too haha

Maternity clothes:  
Nothing new

Stretch marks: 
Just the two on my lower belly

Same ol. Although last night, I only woke up once to pee! 

Best moment this week: 
Meeting with the perinatal nurse at the hospital I'll be delivering at in Saint John! 
She gave me a prenatal assessment and a big Ziploc bag full of information and resources. She was so nice and made me so much more confident than I have been feeling the last month or so. She answered so many of my questions and made me feel so comfortable! I can honestly say now, that I'm really looking forward to my birth! They are so encouraging with all the things I really wanted [ex. breastfeeding, eating and drinking during labour, being able to move around and change positions, and skin to skin right after he comes out!] 
I am so so happy with how things went that day!

Miss anything? 
I seriously miss sleeping on my belly, and getting up without feeling like a turtle stuck on its back!

Lots. As per usual. He keeps pushing really hard on my side... I swear I saw his foot the other day because he was pushing so frikkin hard!

Food cravings: 
I was craving a cheesecake so bad, and GOT IT the same day. Incredible. It was a plain cheesecake with real whipped cream on top, drizzled with caramel and chocolate sauce. SERIOUSLY?! Mmmmmm

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Nope! Unless I take too long to eat, OR.. I've noticed that if I stand for too long, I start to get really hot & then nausea usually follows. 


Labour signs:  
I was having some Braxton Hicks but they've kinda just stopped. 
I was also examined on Friday [yesterday] & she said there is nothing going on with my cervix. 

Heartburn is back in action. 
Stupid wrists are killing me.. My OB wouldn't even look at them yesterday, so I'm not sure if its actually carpal tunnel or not.. I may book an appt with my NP for next week instead of my OB so she can check them out to give me some comfort... or even just acknowledgement....

Belly button in or out? 
It's almost always out! When I wear shirts, you can see the little bugger just poking out hahah

Happy or moody most of the time: 
I would say..... happy? Yesterday was kind of stressful.. It was a longggggg day.. but other than that, it was a good week! I think that appointment in Saint John really picked my mood up. 

Looking forward to: 
Having the car seat installed, & getting my bags packed! 
I need a diaper bag still, but I think for the hospital, all 3 of us are going to share 1 big bag. It'll be so much easier on Bo instead of him carrying multiple bags plus the car seat. 
I also need to get some things still, such as nursing pads, coconut oil, baby soap & shampoo... Things like that. 
 Below is a photo of me wearing the same sweater as above 25 weeks ago hahaha... Things are getting a bit tight these days! Although, I am wearing pre-prgnancy jeans in the above photo!! Go me!


Bump Update - 36 Weeks

I always take these photos in the morning right when I get out of bed [before I eat]... So that means, no make up [since I never really wear make up anymore] & no hair brushing [because I always forget about that too.. hahah] & I always look half asleep. Maybe I should have cropped my face out of these ones..lol! Oh well. 

How far along?  
36 Weeks aka 9 months!! 
Holy crap.

Total weight gain/measurements: 
Weight gain is beyond me as per usual, but I do have an appt next week, so I'll know for my 37 week bump update. 
Belly is 45.5 inches ish. My hands were so sore, I kept dropping the stupid thing lol!

Maternity clothes:  
Nothing new... and I'm just going to say, probably nothing new for the rest of my pregnancy...
The black shirt I'm wearing in the above photos is maternity, but I have to keep pulling it down.. My belly keeps popping out the bottom haha

Stretch marks: 
I DO have new ones on the lower part of my belly. I've only been able to actually see one new one, which I think is kind of funny. I know that its there because I had to switch lotions :( The Aveeno one was working amazingly, but then I went and got the cheaper "Equate" version when I ran out of Aveeno.....
 It's crap.
Don't use it.

Meh. Same old. Up about 4 times a night...then sleep solid for a good 4-5 hours before I wake up for the day. Not too bad! 

Best moment this week: 
Getting a package from my mom was quite the highlight! It had chocolate in it, & that is always a winner.
I also got a free sample package from Similac which was awesome. It came with 8 little bottles of newborn formula, 2 other powder type formulas, and 2 $10 rebate coupons for Similac products.
Also, I finished knitting a blanket, hat & slippers!
Miss anything? 
Alcohol. I had a dream the other night where I was in Mexico or something for my birthday & I was drinking margaritas. Oh it was yummy. 

Always. I posted a video on my Facebook as well as Instagram if you want to go check them out. He likes to stretch out, which can actually be pretty painful for me now that he's so big. He does a lot of rolling around... tossing and turning.
I don't know if you can tell, but he is pushing his butt up on my right side. He does this quite often, switching sides or staying in the middle. He's clearly running out of room. 
Oh and his typical hiccups multiple times a day :)

Food cravings: 
Still Chinese food.
Also, my sweets craving has chilled out [minus apples & other sweet fruit] but now I've really been craving chips! I want salty snacks!

Anything making you queasy or sick? 


Labour signs:  
I'm not quite sure how to distinguish labour signs from symptoms... but theres been lots of pressure in my crotch area... that my friends, feels just wonderful [please note the sarcasm] haha!
Oh, Braxton Hicks!!! Those are kind of painful.. I don't know what people are talking about when they say that they don't even notice them. Makes me a tad bit worried for real labour! I usually hop in the shower right away & just sit there. It feels so nice to just have the water trickle down on my belly.

Seriously, I think I got all the weird symptoms.
Carpal tunnel.
Restless legs.
Blurred vision.
Along with all the basics...
Lots of pressure & lightning crotch.
Achy back & hips.
Plus theres this spot in my pelvis that feels like it's about to crack in half. 

Belly button in or out? 
It's still a halter.
Bo says it's like a turkey timer.. Once it fully pops out, thats it, baby is ready to come out. Hahah!

Happy or moody most of the time: 
A bit of both, but more happy.... but probably more anxious than anything.

Looking forward to: 
Going to my "prenatal assessment" next week [Thursday] at the hospital I'll be delivering in. Very much looking forward to that since I've never been to that city, which means I've never been to that hospital! So it'll be a nice practice run to see how long it takes, where it is, etc. Plus I'll be able to ask about mom and baby care and what their procedures are and what not. 
Also looking forward to my next OB appt [Friday]. I'll be getting an exam done then, so I'll know what kind of state he's in.. whether he's head down, engaged.. if I'm dilated or effaced at all.. etc. 


Bump Update - 35 Weeks

How far along?  
35 weeks... only potentially 5 more weeks to go!

Total weight gain/measurements: 
just have an appt with my OB yesterday, so I do actually know my weight gain this time - total of 45 lbs.. which means Ive only gained 5 lbs in the last 3 weeks.. yay! 
Down 3/4 of an inch around my belly from last week.. bringing me to 45.25 inches... Not complaining. He keeps dropping & moving back up.

Maternity clothes:  
Nothing new.. Although 2 of the 3 maternity shirts I have, don't even fit me length wise anymore...
 Long torso problems. 

Stretch marks: 
I don't know for sure, but I think I might have a couple on the lower part of my belly. It's really hard to tell, since I can barely see that part, & also since I had previous stretch marks there before pregnancy. We'll see. If they are new, they're obviously not noticeable.

It's ok. By ok, I mean, the same. 
The first part of my night is super crappy.. I have to get up and pee like 4 times between midnight and 5am... After that, I can usually sleep straight until 10am!

Best moment this week: 
Fitting into pre-pregnancy jeans [albeit, very stretchy jeans] was a nice surprise!
Taking my own tester silhouette photos was fun! I'll be doing more in a week or so :)

Miss anything? 
Sleeping on my stomach. It's amazing how much I miss it. 

Always.. and can't forget those millions of hiccups. 

Food cravings: 
Persians! If you don't know what a persian is, google it. Thunder Bay is famous for them <3 
 I still haven't gotten my Chinese food fix either... I wouldn't be upset if I came into a pound of chicken balls & sweet and sour sauce. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
If I don't eat fast enough. I delayed eating the other day... Just too tired & lazy to get up and make food.. & I didn't want to ask Bo.... Wow what a mistake that was. Turns out, I get really hot & sweaty, super nauseas and weak. Won't be doing that again!


Labour signs:  
Nope. Thankfully. 

I read that your vision can sometimes go to crap while pregnant, and thats definitely happening to me. Over the last couple weeks, my vision has been quite blurry at times. 
My joints have been really sore, especially in my hands and wrists. When I drive, I have to continuously stretch my fingers out because they get SO stiff!
In the night when I get up to go pee, my feet are also really sore... it feels like all the blood goes rushing to them.
Boobs have some leaky days... Nothing major.. Just enough for me to notice it on the inside of my bra or shirt. 
Gas & heartburn have calmed down.. Woo!
My nails are still growing super fast.. but they are still brittle... So I keep them painted.
I think my hair is starting to grow! It came to a halt for like, a year. It was literally the same length for the longest time, so I chopped a few inches off a couple weeks ago, & it looks like its actually growing again!
Lightning crotch!
Headaches...I've been trying to drink more water but it doesn't seem to be helping.

Belly button in or out? 
It goes both ways.. It's still half an outie like 75% of the time

Happy or moody most of the time: 
This week was definitely moody. 
Especially the last couple days... I just still feel so unprepared. Not only with baby things [clothes, accessories, car seat/stroller, etc. **dont judge me**], but with my whole labour and delivery. 
I've only met with my OB twice... Ive never gotten to talk to her about my birth plan. 
I still haven't been able to get an appt to tour the maternity ward at the hospital. 
It just feels so impersonal & that I'm just another pregnancy they need to get through... but don't really care about. I've been so behind with everything through this whole pregnancy... with the tests and what not. I just did a glucose test 3 weeks ago [at 32 weeks] because they basically forgot about me.. & then I didn't get the results until yesterday! I was on the higher side & they want me to do another one. By the time I do it and get the results back, I'll be about ready to have this baby... I really don't even see a point in even doing the stupid test again. It's just so frustrating. I could go on forever about how disappointed I am with my prenatal care.. but I won't for now. 
Maybe in the future I'll do a blog post about the details of it.

Looking forward to: 


Bump Update - 34 Weeks

How far along?  
34 Weeks

Total weight gain/measurements: 
Up an inch around from last week.. brings me to a total of 46 inches

[This measurement is around my belly, not lengthwise... I have been keeping track of the largest part of my lower belly [& other] measurements since June 19th/2013 when I started my whole weight loss journey, as that was one of my main places I wanted to shrink! Turns out, at my biggest [Jan/2014] my belly was measuring 42.5 inches! My smallest [that I measured at] was the beginning of August [so I was already a couple months pregnant by this point], sitting at 39 inches... By the end of August I was at 39.5 & thats where I started measuring weekly. It's just interesting to me to watch how much my body changes. It's hard to notice a difference when you're just standing in the mirror, so for me, its nice to see numbers & where I'm at! I thought it would be nice to continue through pregnancy & postpartum and see how much more my body changes.. like how when I was at my biggest pre pregnancy, I was only 3.5 inches smaller then I am at 8.5 months pregnant! So crazy to think... Anyway....]

Maternity clothes:  
Nothing new.

Stretch marks: 

Still all over the place. I'm still getting really tired in the afternoons, but I still haven't learned to nap yet haha

Best moment this week: 
Seriously, finding Cherry Sours at Walmart after them being gone for a couple weeks. I've been so obsessed with these candies for the last few months. Literally can't get enough. If someone wants to send me my body weight in these candies, I'll die happy. 

Miss anything? 
I miss sleeping on my stomach. 

Still an active guy. Still gets hiccups all the time. He is for sure running out of room, I can tell when he tries to kick. It's more like, full body movements instead of quick, abrupt ones. 

Food cravings: 
Besides Cherry Sours, not much. I have been craving pancakes with butter and jam the last couple days though. Obviously not enough to make it... but I've been thinking about it.. haha

Anything making you queasy or sick? 


Labour signs:  

Leaky boobs, gas, afternoon fatigue.. 
Oh and my nails grow SOO fast, but that kinda sucks because they're also extra brittle now. 

Belly button in or out? 
It bounces back and forth! I never thought I'd have an outie, but apparently it just might happen!

Happy or moody most of the time: 
This week was happy!

Looking forward to:
Next friday I suppose... We have another prenatal with our OB... Our last appointment seemed like such a waste of time... so we'll see what this one brings. 

Here are some photos I edited with little quotes that I loved! I was going to add them on to yesterdays post, but I figured, I may as well just add them here instead :)
If you haven't seen my post from yesterday with my 34 week "photoshoot", Click Here!

 These 3 were made with being future Facebook cover photos.. So if you're on my Facebook... expect that sometime in the future ;) Haha!



34 Week Maternity Photos!

Here are some baby belly photos for my 34th week! 
All taken by myself & my laptop.. As per usual.
8.5 months pregnant...
Also, check out that outie! Haha! It comes & goes.

 Haha! That belly button!

 With great pregnancy, comes great boobs ;)

 A couple shameless selfies because, well, why not? I have make up on for the first time since I took photos last probably haha!