
Bump Update - 34 Weeks

How far along?  
34 Weeks

Total weight gain/measurements: 
Up an inch around from last week.. brings me to a total of 46 inches

[This measurement is around my belly, not lengthwise... I have been keeping track of the largest part of my lower belly [& other] measurements since June 19th/2013 when I started my whole weight loss journey, as that was one of my main places I wanted to shrink! Turns out, at my biggest [Jan/2014] my belly was measuring 42.5 inches! My smallest [that I measured at] was the beginning of August [so I was already a couple months pregnant by this point], sitting at 39 inches... By the end of August I was at 39.5 & thats where I started measuring weekly. It's just interesting to me to watch how much my body changes. It's hard to notice a difference when you're just standing in the mirror, so for me, its nice to see numbers & where I'm at! I thought it would be nice to continue through pregnancy & postpartum and see how much more my body changes.. like how when I was at my biggest pre pregnancy, I was only 3.5 inches smaller then I am at 8.5 months pregnant! So crazy to think... Anyway....]

Maternity clothes:  
Nothing new.

Stretch marks: 

Still all over the place. I'm still getting really tired in the afternoons, but I still haven't learned to nap yet haha

Best moment this week: 
Seriously, finding Cherry Sours at Walmart after them being gone for a couple weeks. I've been so obsessed with these candies for the last few months. Literally can't get enough. If someone wants to send me my body weight in these candies, I'll die happy. 

Miss anything? 
I miss sleeping on my stomach. 

Still an active guy. Still gets hiccups all the time. He is for sure running out of room, I can tell when he tries to kick. It's more like, full body movements instead of quick, abrupt ones. 

Food cravings: 
Besides Cherry Sours, not much. I have been craving pancakes with butter and jam the last couple days though. Obviously not enough to make it... but I've been thinking about it.. haha

Anything making you queasy or sick? 


Labour signs:  

Leaky boobs, gas, afternoon fatigue.. 
Oh and my nails grow SOO fast, but that kinda sucks because they're also extra brittle now. 

Belly button in or out? 
It bounces back and forth! I never thought I'd have an outie, but apparently it just might happen!

Happy or moody most of the time: 
This week was happy!

Looking forward to:
Next friday I suppose... We have another prenatal with our OB... Our last appointment seemed like such a waste of time... so we'll see what this one brings. 

Here are some photos I edited with little quotes that I loved! I was going to add them on to yesterdays post, but I figured, I may as well just add them here instead :)
If you haven't seen my post from yesterday with my 34 week "photoshoot", Click Here!

 These 3 were made with being future Facebook cover photos.. So if you're on my Facebook... expect that sometime in the future ;) Haha!
