38 weeks!
Total weight gain/measurements:
Weight gain, I'm not sure.
Measurement around my belly is still 46 inches
Measurement around my belly is still 46 inches
Maternity clothes:
No new ones
Stretch marks:
Just the same 2 on my lower belly
I seem to only wake up once a night to pee! I wake up multiple times because turning over is no easy task with this belly, broken pelvis [not really, it just feels that way], & carpal tunnelled wrists.... but I usually fall asleep right away, once I get into a new position.
Best moment this week:
Getting the car seat and stroller!!!! Woooo!!!
Getting the car seat and stroller!!!! Woooo!!!
Getting almost ALL my things for my hospital bag nice and organized! Just waiting for a package from my mom & I'll be all set to get that bag packed! I have things in ziploc bags and travel containers all nice and labeled, and ready to go. Ahh organization <3
Oh I also got all the things for my baths again - epsom salts & bubble bath... plus I got these bath bombs from a local soap store. OMG smells amazing and feels so nice!
Oh I also got all the things for my baths again - epsom salts & bubble bath... plus I got these bath bombs from a local soap store. OMG smells amazing and feels so nice!
Miss anything?
Laying on my belly.. Although I've been able to kinda lay on my belly in the tub, which has been helping. I also miss being able to bend over... or walk without my feet hurting.
Food cravings:
I actually don't think there has been any cravings this week! Having said that, I did just say that I wanted a donut. Which is weird, since I don't like donuts....oh and Creme Eggs.. Which is also weird. Today I am on a mission to get the Creme Egg McFlurry.
Anything making you queasy or sick?
I WAS sick for like 3 days. I would get sick for about an hour a night.... but that stopped.
Labour signs:
He's dropped again, so there's lots of pressure!
I was sick for a few days, which made me think my body was starting to get ready.... but like I said, that stopped.
I was sick for a few days, which made me think my body was starting to get ready.... but like I said, that stopped.
The restless legs have gone away THANK GOD... but they've been getting pretty crampy in the middle of the night, which is kind of uncomfortable, but as long as I wake up fast enough, I can stop the serious cramp from coming on.
Wrists are progressively getting worse...
My feet and hands are swollen! I hardly even have knuckles anymore!
Wrists are progressively getting worse...
My feet and hands are swollen! I hardly even have knuckles anymore!
Belly button in or out?
Almost all the way out!
Happy or moody most of the time:
Happy! Although, rather emotional. I cry at least once a day... but usually more then once.
Looking forward to:
Getting packages from my mom! I know theres 2 coming & it's like Christmas waiting for them. Haha!
Getting packages from my mom! I know theres 2 coming & it's like Christmas waiting for them. Haha!