
9 Week Pregnancy Update with Baby #2!

Well hello, hello pregnancy updates round 2! How exciting! We found out were expecting baby #2 about a month ago and couldn't wait to share the news with family and friends! It's funny how last time I was pregnant, I didn't want to let anyone know until I was at least 12 weeks, but this time I think we kept the news to ourselves for maybe a week? We had planned to conceive this baby, so we were very excited to see that positive test the first month of trying! Were very happy to be expanding our family and making Hunter a big brother! 
How far along?  
9 weeks!
 Current due date is January 13/2017 which happens to be on a Friday. 

Total weight gain: 
I'm pretty certain I've lost weight.. I don't have a scale but I finally was weighed at the NP's office today, so I'll know for future updates what I've gained. 

Maternity clothes:  
Not yet, but I'm definitely going to buy some for this time around... Nothing fancy or brand new, just whatever I can get second hand. I wore all my regular clothes when I was pregnant with Hunter, but the 3 maternity tops I did have, were so nice! I have a long torso, so if I wasn't wearing a long tank top under my shirt, my belly would be popping out the bottom.

Stretch marks: 
Nothing new yet... But I'm sure they'll make their appearance later on & that's okay. They can join the millions of others on my belly and hips. I actually don't mind stretch marks at all. They have never really made me self conscious... Which I'm thankful for. After I became a mom, I became much more humble and gentle towards my body.... In turn, I ended up seeing my new mom pouch and stretch marks as just another part of motherhood! Plus all the stretched skin on my belly is so soft, and Hunter loves hugging it <3 

Well I still breastfeed throughout the night with Hunter, and he is usually in my bed somewhere between 12am and 4am....So my sleep is as good as it can get for now. Until the big ol belly appears.. Dun dun dunnnnnnnnn. 

Best moment this week: 
When I asked Hunter "Where is the baby?"... He pointed to my belly and then hugged it.
I should also mention he's 14 months old & we've never showed him where the baby is before. So it was pretty darn adorable.. It may or may not have made me cry a little bit. 

Miss anything? 
My energy. As well as not having morning sickness. Blaaahhhhhh. 

Nope. I felt Hunter at 17 weeks, and then Bo felt him just a couple days later, so I'm interested to see when I'll start feeling this little one flutter around. 

Food cravings: 
I don't have constant cravings, but I'll get a random "Ohhhh, I want that!". One of those was a pizza with mushrooms and onions - which is something I would never ever ordinarily order..... & the other was mini rainbow chip Chips Ahoy cookies! 

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Oh you know, just waking up... breathing.. The morning sickness is sooooo rotten this time around. I thought I had it bad with Hunter, but oh my. I've had to stop drinking coffee because I got sick before I would even finish a cup... Also grocery shopping in the raw meat section always turns my stomach.

No idea. I have an ultrasound booked for August 17th & I'll be almost 19 weeks then, so we'll know the gender then! We're feeling girl this time <3 

Labour signs:  
Goodness no. 

Extreme fatigue and nausea. It's 10x worse than it was with Hunter.. It's kind of incredible how tired a woman can get during that first trimester. It's unreal! 

Belly button in or out? 

Happy or moody most of the time: 
Very happy to be pregnant, but for the most part, I'm so MOOOODDDYYYY. I blame it on being sick all day. It really takes a toll on a person when you can't even bounce your baby to sleep or sing him songs because you mouth being open makes you want to puke. 

Looking forward to: 
Well, I want to say my ultrasound... but that's forever away... So I'm going to say my next prenatal which is on the 28th! Excited to hear this little one's heart beat!