-12 weeks- |
-13 weeks- |
Now that all that is out of the way, my second trimester is a god send so far! Thankfully! I can eat again.. mmmm eating...one of my favourite things to do these days haha! Grapes! I LOVE them! I also am obsessed with Asian salad... You know, the pre made ones in the bag that have the sunflower seeds and dried cranberries and that real good ginger sesame dressing. MMMM!! Although since we made our move to the east coast, I have NOT been able to find it!! I'm also craving a pepperoni and cheese pizza from this little take out place back in my hometown called the Jade. I swear, she makes the best pizza I've ever eaten. Being 36 hours away from this deliciousness hurts my soul. The yellow box Kraft pizza is a good replacement though.
-14 weeks- |
Another pregnancy change I've experienced is the insane dreams! Oh my goodness. Ive woken up crying, sweating, talking, jumping, and even nauseated from the dreams! For the most part, they're pretty interesting, although some of them can be just plain insane and sometimes very scary. The plus side to all of the dreaming, I get to see a bunch of people that I haven't seen in a long time. Living so far away from anyone I know has kind of made me a bit lonely. The dreams are pretty entertaining!
Speaking of the move, I do LOVE it where we live. I think its going to be the perfect place to raise our growing bebe! The to photos I took with the blue shirt and sweater on, were taken in "his" room. We both keep calling it a "him", but we don't know for sure yet. In the beginning, I was saying it was going to be a girl, but I think that's just because everyone else kept saying boy! I always had a feeling it's going to be a boy. Either way, I'll be happy! I just want a chubby, healthy bebe! Hopefully we'll get that ultrasound booked soon since I'm already 16 weeks along. It's been somewhat annoying and difficult trying to take find doctors, get appointments, get blood work and ultrasounds done, all while moving from one province to another in my first trimester! Slowly things are starting to come together, although I now need to find another OB since we moved to a different area of this province and the nurse practitioner I was seeing, is now an hour and a half away from me! I'm not too keen on driving that distance all the time, thats for sure. Soon, all the pieces will fall together and a new routine will be in place!