
Bump Update - 39 Weeks

How far along?  
39 Weeks + 1 day

Total weight gain/measurements: 
Weight gain - 58 lbs... oy
Belly is at a total of 47 inches around. Another oy. hahah!

Maternity clothes:  
Nothing new... just the same 3 shirts, which have all been a bit too short for a couple months now. I think I've said this before.. but.. long torso problems!

Stretch marks: 
I think theres a couple more on each side of my lower belly... Maybe like, 6 total now. 

So uncomfortable. It's so hard to turn from one side to another, especially with the awful pubic bone pain. Some nights I'll get a really good sleep with minimal pain, but those nights usually include me waking up every couple hours to go pee.. Cant win em all!

Best moment this week: 
Best moment of the week was also the most nerve wracking. I had an OB appointment on Friday.. Just a typical prenatal appt.. But while we were there, we discovered that my blood pressure was super high compared to what it has been the whole pregnancy. I've been at a pretty constant 116/80, but that morning I was at 140/100! So she sent us to the Labour & Delivery ward at the Saint John hospital, which is where I'll be delivering Baby H when it's time. There, they wanted to do blood work and monitor the baby for a little while.... and if things didn't get any better, they were going to induce me!
 Turns out, everything was fine. The resident OB there came back to talk to me and said the baby was PERFECT and my blood work came back PERFECT. My blood pressure also dropped while I was there. That was so nice to hear.
They also checked my hands and feet, which have been concerning me, and they said it was normal. I knew it probably would be normal, but it was nice of them to actually acknowledge my concerns, as my regular OB tends to brush off every single concern I have.
In the end, I was obviously super relieved that everything was ok [which I knew it would be], & it was kind of nice to go there and do a "practice run". We had all our bags packed and in the trunk of the car just in case they needed to induce me. We did all the tests right in the Labour & Delivery ward, so it was nice to see that, and exactly where I'll need to go once its actually go time! Plus the staff was all so incredibly nice! Which is obviously a huge bonus!

Miss anything? 
Normal sleep. I miss being able to roll over & lay on my belly. 
The other day, I finally said the words "I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore...". I really miss having my body to myself. I know I'm still going to have to share, with breastfeeding, but at least I'll be able to hold him on the outside of my body! I think I managed to keep patient for a really long time, considering I got a million symptoms, and quite a lot of them were painful symptoms!

Still squirming away in there. I can tell his living quarters are getting a bit small for him. Any time he moves, he hits a nerve somewhere around my cervix, which sends a shooting pain all around that area. "Lighting crotch" is putting it mildly. I've noticed he has started to calm down a bit more too. Still moving lots, but not as much as before. Which I believe is quite normal at this stage of pregnancy. It also kind of feels like his legs have moved to the other side of my belly? I used to get kicked a bunch on my right side, now its more on my left. Bo says "well, as long as he's still upside down!" haha which I guess, technically, would make him right side up, since he should be staying head down!

Food cravings: 
Creme Eggs! Mmmm I still haven't gotten my hands on a Creme Egg McFlurry... Soon! 
I also had a serious craving for bannock and jam yesterday... but it didn't last long. 
I've also really been wanting chicken caesar wraps!

Anything making you queasy or sick? 


Labour signs:  
Im going to say no. I literally don't feel any different! Besides him being low, theres no change. 

Lightning crotch
Lower back & belly pain. 
Possible Braxton Hicks? It's so hard to tell if you've never had them before... It's always just been a guessing game for me when it comes to Braxton Hicks. I had a crazy pain in my belly yesterday. My whole stomach tightened up and it felt like it was burning! Everyone says that BH or real contractions  feel like period cramps, but this pain most definitely did NOT feel like that... and it only happened twice and stopped.  
I also had a couple days where I got, what felt like a running cramp, right at the top of my uterus? Maybe that was Braxton Hicks? I have no idea. 

Belly button in or out? 
It's trying so hard to come all the way out hahah! I'm going to just go ahead and say that it's out... Theres a little part of the bottom that doesn't stick out, but the majority of it is out there :P

Happy or moody most of the time: 
This week was happy! Still quite emotional though... My mood changes on a dime!

Looking forward to: 
Meeting this baby boy! Friday was quite the eye opener when we realized we could have been induced that day if my blood pressure didn't go down, or if baby was in distress. Now I'm in SERIOUS nesting mode, making sure everything is ready before he does decide to make his arrival.... Which is kind of hard to do because I'm feeling super pregnant, & it almost feels like I'm bringing on contractions when I start to move around a bunch, like I did yesterday. On Friday, we were supposed to go to Saint John kind of ASAP... but we still had so many last minute things to do! So now I'm trying to get on top of it all, because guess what? You're really not pregnant forever. The baby eventually comes out! 

Oh I also think I'll be doing a "What's In My Hospital Bag" blog post.... You know, now that it's completely packed. Haha! 

Look at how swollen those feet are... Gah!