
Mommy's Wish List!

How frikkin cool would this be?? I'm just in the beginning stages of introducing solids to Hunter. We're doing a combination of baby led weaning as well as purees. Having this little magical machine steam and blend the food for me, all in one, sounds wonderful! Also, less dishes. Woo!

I'm not picky when it comes to a video monitor. I would just like to have video! Now that Hunter is mobile and pulls himself up on everything, it would be great to see what he's up to in his crib! I've seen some cool ones where the video can transmit to your iPhone or your computer. Those are pretty fancy and I don't think I need one that high-tech, but that's a good idea! 

I can't stress how much I need one of these! It's next on my "to buy" list for sure! Hunter is a big fan at clawing at my chest or grabbing onto my fingers or anything else he can get his hands on. He's such a distracted eater sometimes, and scratching my chest seems to keep him focused. Ouch. I think this will be a perfect distraction for Hunter! Plus how cute are they?

This... This will be a great investment. Hunter isn't a fan of facing towards me, but he LOVES facing forward. This carrier allows for inward and forward as well as back and hip carry! Plus if you read all the features of it, it's definitely a winner & well worth the money. 

I'm not even going to go into the whole "getting snot in your mouth" nonsense. If you honestly think you're going to suck boogers up into your mouth, get outta here. I'm sure there's a ton of moms out there who swear by this little gem. I can only imagine its 100x more useful and efficient then the typical snot bulb sucker things. I've heard nothing but good things about the NoseFrida!

Hunter loves sitting in carts, and I actually prefer him sitting in carts now. It just makes everything so much easier. Downside? He loves trying to put his mouth on the cart because he's a baby and a teething one at that.....everything in the mouth - all the time. Shopping cart cover to the rescue! Plus it doubles as a high chair cover - you know, if we ever in our lives go out to a restaurant. Probably not, but never say never! 

Another item on my wish list is a camera! I don't even know where to stat when it comes to cameras. I don't know anything about the brands, Nikon, Canon..? I don't know anything about lenses... But I DO know that I wish I had a camera so I don't have to use my iPhone all the time, which is the iPhone 4 by the way.... I'm behind in the times. I want some good quality photos since I take a million of them a day. Plus I've always had a love for editing photos, & it would be nice to have some decent quality photos to work with haha!